Writer’s block is a myth, says most psychologists. The thing about myths, or misconceptions, is that you would continue to believe in them until you’ve been exposed to the truth. 

And the truth – 7 T&Ts (tested and trusted writing unblockers) – that overcome writer’s block is what I am about to walk you through.

But before that, let’s humour writer’s block and define it. 

Shall we?

What Is Writer’s Block?

Writer’s block is a state of not knowing how to put down what is in your head or not knowing what to put down at all. 

As there are different degrees to the severity of writer’s block depending on an individual, from it being a myth to a humongous monster to some writers, it’s inevitable that you probably have your conception of writer’s block. And that is okay.

But whatever your definition of writer’s block is, if you can follow through with these 7 writing unblockers that simultaneously boost your creativity, you are sure to never experience writer’s block again. 

Even if it pops up, running your eye through this list would help smash it down again.

So down to business, how do you overcome writer’s block and boost your creativity?

How To Overcome Writer’s Block And Boost Creativity


You can’t fill from an empty cup

Most people think they are going through writer’s block, but in reality, they just don’t have anything to put down. You can’t fill a cup from an empty bottle, can you?

So if you’re ever feeling stuck with a piece of writing, your problem might not stem from not knowing where to start or what to put down, but rather from the fact that you don’t have enough details to start anything at all.

The simple solution is to research

If you’ve done your research, go back to it again.

Your research shouldn’t be limited to Google searches alone, you should go on online forums like Reddit, quora, or any social media platform and read up on the topics you are writing about.

You could check what writers like you did to gain more insight and inspiration. Boosting your creativity involves a lot of research and learning processes.

So whenever you are stuck or need a boost in your writing creativity, researching is that secret ingredient you want to sprinkle on your dish. 

A Content Prompt

Smash The Illusion of Writer’s Block

For several writers, a content prompt is a strong enough hammer to smash the illusion of writer’s block into pieces.


Writer’s block is usually that state where most people stare at their computers and can’t put down anything even if they have millions of thoughts running through their minds.

But having a content prompt on your screen gives you a starting point and before you know it, you’re firing words away.

For example, If you’re the type that writes daily, you could schedule a content prompt for each day as seen in the table below.

Tuesday Mindset 
Wednesday Food
Thursday Nature

By having this content strategy/schedule, you don’t have to rack your head all day before writing, cause you now have a starting point. 

If you still find yourself racking your head on what to write and how to write even with a prompt… then it’s time to do some research.

But if you’re afraid of starting on that blank page, you could paste your previous write-ups or your reference materials on the page… just to erase that feeling of a blank page. 

It has helped some get started, it could help you too… anything to get out of that abyss called writer’s block.

Do Not Hold Back!

The real deal to a good write-up isn’t in the writing… but in the rewriting

Writer’s block can also result from trying to hold back and perfecting it all from the onset. But where’s the fun in a first draft if it isn’t an eyesore?  

If you keep writing and deleting that first line cause it doesn’t make sense or it doesn’t seem perfect, you’ll spend a millennium trying to get it right.

If you want a perfect write-up, a perfect piece comes with rewriting your write-up and not writing. So write first and perfect it while rewriting or editing.

That’s the whole point of it being called a first draft! Because it needs some rewiring.

” The real deal to a good write-up isn’t in the writing… but in the rewriting” – the editing

And what more?

Holding back kills your creativity. The creativity in your writing is in that first draft. It’s in those lines you keep deleting in the name of perfection. Write it as it is and the creativity you seek will pop up. 

Make It A Habit And Not A Ritual

If you’re a writer and writing isn’t habitual to you, it’s no wonder you were thrown into prison and categorized into cells for writer’s (writer’s block)… I’m kidding. If I wasn’t, I’d also be locked behind bars, so relax.

But contrary to the popular opinion that you should find a topic to write on every day, you could also make writing habitual by keeping a journal. A daily journal. 

You don’t necessarily have to fill in your day-to-day activities inside this journal, you could pick 3-10 things you enjoy and write anything about them daily.

Writing constantly, especially if you’re a writer, gives you instant confidence whenever you want to write. It becomes a reflex action that isn’t an arduous task not to mention it popping up as writer’s block.

There’d be some hitches with your writing from time to time, that’s normal. No need to freak out. With the right prompts, adequate rest, and research, you’ll be spraying words away in no time.

Free Writing 

Now here’s another huge writer’s block crusher. If you are in that state where you don’t know where to start, free writing is the best way to get those blocks off the road. 

By free writing, you want to write out everything you’re thinking about on the topic at hand. You should ignore all the rules and just put it down as it is. Aside from helping you start the actual work, it also helps you identify all you know about the topic – free writing helps you come up with the roughest draft you can even think of.

Your inability to write could also stem from having too many thoughts bubbling in your head withholding you from focusing on the task at hand.

But with free writing, you could just fire away everything on your head on that blank page to clear your head. It’s safe to think about free writing as the warm-up before the real exercise.

Get Off Your Screen

It’s time for a refill, take a break

You’ve been in front of your screen working off your butt for hours and you’re wondering where your creative juices went to? 

Where else, amigo? 

You’ve used them up and it’s time for a refill. So take a break!

You could take your breaks by using the Pomodoro technique. 

Or start working on something more fun and relaxing.

Better still, you could sleep, whip something up for yourself, and relax before coming back to write.

Just do anything. Anything aside from that particular piece that’s obstructing your creative flow.

You could also read and soak up new ideas from other creators, and authors or if you’re a student writing a thesis, you could use your school’s library as a reference point for previous students’ thesis.

As you will learn new things in this process, this method boosts your creativity.

In fact, getting off your writing screen is a huge part of being creative. This is because when you are off your screen and doing something else, ideas are bound to come.

Whether it be;

  • Reading 
  • Watching videos
  • Taking a walk
  • Napping
  • Exercising
  • Hopping on a call with friends
  • Meditating
  • Flipping through your notes
  • Yoga …

…or anything else that interests you, creative writing ideas are sure to pop up.

It Is Not To Be Named!

Writer’s block is a Lord Voldemort that shouldn’t be named. Whenever you hit that pause on a project or piece you’re putting together, believing it to be writer’s block heightens the problem.

But when you ignore it and liken the pause in writing to a need for a quick nap or a break, it’s sure not to affect you as much.

And if you deeply believe in the existence of writer’s block, a technique that’d work for sure is to write. 

Writer’s block means to stop writing. So write anything at all. You don’t even have to stare at your blank screen, your pen and paper would do just good for starters.

Ignore your inner critic telling you your writing juices are clogged, and just write.

These 7 quick writing unblockers have been proven time and time again to push those writing blocks off the road. So do not sleep on them!

Now, you’ve been armed with the necessary tools needed to finish this enemy called writer’s block. Be sure to experiment with different amulets handed over to you, and find which one works best in eliminating your enemy.

Here are your 7 quick writing unblockers and creativity boosters once again…

  1. Do not name it
  2. Research
  3. Use a content prompt 
  4. Do not hold back
  5. Make it a habit
  6. Free writing 
  7. Get off your screen, and take a break.

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